“We support the development of new churches so as to establish a presence in communities that are not being served by our existing congregations, including in major urban centers like Baltimore, Reading, Pa., and Washington, D.C.,” says Frank Bondurant.
Para resaltar el importante papel que juega la Biblia en nuestra fe y en nuestra vida diaria,el Comité Ejecutivo de la Unión de Columbia votó al 2021 como el "Año de la Biblia".
To highlight the important role that the Bible plays in our faith and daily life, the Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee has voted 2021 as the “Year of the Bible.”
Daniel Tryon has been promoted to president of Southview Medical Center, part of the Grandview Medical Center System. He succeeds Richard Manchur, who was recently named president of Grandview Medical Center.
In response to the warning issued by the 2019 General Conference Annual Council, the Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee voted to “affirm and express its unwavering support for the primacy of the Word of God; the mission and fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church; the belief in the Prophet Joel’s prophecy of Joel 2:28-29; women who serve as pastors, elders and leaders, according to policy; and the Union leadership team.”