Petra Dodge, a 6-year-old girl from Potomac Conference's Roanoke (Va.)
church, felt inspired to help homeless people after fellow church members committed to distribute lunches once a month. So she, and her brother, William, did something about it.
Two Potomac Conference “Impact 2019: Camp Meeting Re-imagined” events will be held next month. This new camp meeting format allows for local pastors to help plan and organize area meetings, enabling the message and format to be tailored for each community.
Los líderes locales hicieron hincapié en aumentar la cantidad de grupos pequeños, que aumentó de 900 en 2017. Los líderes de Ministerios Hispanos oran por 3,000 grupos pequeños para fines de 2019.
“We wanted our Adventist nurses to be recognized, acknowledged and celebrated for the work they do. We want them to know that the Adventist church and the Adventist HealthCare system appreciates them,” said event organizer Kathy Coleman, Faith Community Nurse coordinator and program director for Adventist HealthCare in Montgomery County, Maryland.
Leading up to the event, members participated in months of coordinated training, creation and nurturing of small groups in homes and churches that would eventually host the meetings.
Returning to the faith in his mid-30s, he felt something was missing to fortify his spiritual walk. “I just knew I needed fellowship and needed to meet some people,” says Alex Partyka.