Hurricanes were particularly destructive in the U.S. last year. Places such as Texas, Puerto Rico and some of the U.S. Virgin Islands experienced overwhelming devastation. So Takoma Academy (TA) sprang into action.
On Saturday, March 16, Adventist young people around the world mobilized to serve as the hands and feet of Christ in their communities for Global Youth Day 2019 (#GYD19). The theme for the annual service Sabbath was “Adopt.”
“The mission of the Potomac Conference is to ‘Grow Healthy, Disciple-Making Churches,’” says Jose Esposito, Hispanic Ministries director. “In order for this to be concrete, leaders must have a spiritual lifestyle..."
Six pastors in the Potomac Conference recently completed their cohort in Growing Young—a research-based project focusing on successful ministry to young people—and have committed to being influential trainers for other pastors, youth and young adult leaders and churches in their areas.
Charles Tapp, senior pastor of Potomac Conference's Sligo church, shares short messages in Keys to Practical Living, a CD of short messages from Sligo's radio ministry on WGTS 91.9.
While visiting Washington, D.C., in 1952, Erwin, his family and his then-girlfriend, Sylvia, toured the Jefferson Building of the LOC. While visiting, Erwin and Sylvia snuck in a little alone time, and he proposed. Two years later, they married.
When asked what prompted her to donate her time and resources, says Mytonia Newman. “I was diagnosed with cancer several years ago. A lot of people don’t live years past their diagnoses. Every day I have is an extra day that I won’t squander. I genuinely look for opportunities to help others, so I couldn’t pass this one up.”
“Our hope is that when we recognize and show gratitude to individuals who are [providing] exemplary contributions, other leaders are inspired to value excellence in their pursuits for God and His Church,” says Debra Brill, NAD’s vice president for Ministries and event organizer.