This year marked 40 years for Allegheny East Conference’s (AEC) health camp, a two-week adult camp centered around promoting healthy living through an exercise regimen, health education and healthy eating.
Adventist HealthCare’s two main hospitals have each received two awards from the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association for life-saving, high-quality stroke care. These awards come during National Stroke Month, which raises awareness about the signs and symptoms of stroke.
From May 7–11, 2018, the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University will be holding its annual five-day Natural Remedies & Hydrotherapy Workshop in the Seminary building (Tan Hall), room N150.
Church leaders do many things to safeguard and grow the church. But if they do not have a designated emergency plan, and do not practice this procedure, churches could quickly lose all that they have protected in a matter of minutes, say risk management experts.
The American College of Cardiology (ACC) has recognized Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center in Rockville, Md., for its demonstrated expertise and commitment in treating patients who come to the hospital’s cardiac catheterization lab for care.
Kettering Adventist HealthCare is one of only eight sites in the country and the only one in Ohio to offer a unique tumor profiling and clinical trial to advanced cancer patients.
Si bien las investigaciones científicas están lejos de ser unánimes en que la soledad haya llegado a proporciones epidémicas, el ignorarla es un riesgo que no podemos tomar. ¿Es la soledad y el aislamiento un factor en tu vida y en tu trabajo? ¿Cómo podemos combatir una epidemia de soledad? Permíteme sugerir tres cosas que, si bien no son exhaustivas, podrían tener un efecto positivo.
Adventist HealthCare's Terry Forde suggest three things that, while far from comprehensive, may make a difference in helping those around you who may be lonely.