What is important to you? What are the things you most want to accomplish? The Chesapeake Conference has established our priorities, and the first is very simple: Evangelism and Outreach.
“We exist to grow healthy churches that reflect Christ’s love and compassion in our communities” is the new mission statement of the Mountain View Conference.
Mom, will you see Coach Webster in Chicago?” my adult children asked with eager interest as I prepared for my trip to the 2018 North American Division Teachers’ Convention.
According to Webster’s Dictionary, “hope” has several connotations based on the way you approach the usage of the word. We can “hope” that something will happen—“I hope I can win a new car in the drawing.” Or, we can state with assurance that our “hope” is based on trust and reliance that something will happen—“Jesus is coming again!”
Laura Hoffman, mother of Annicka (’21), a musician, home educator and principal of Boulevard Adventist Academy in Charleston, W.Va., shares her perspective on how Potomac Conference's Shenandoah Valley Academy is positively impacting students.
One Sabbath Grandma dropped off her five grandchildren at church. She was familiar with the Seventh-day Adventist Church—and the Grafton (W.Va.) church, in particular—from visiting their food pantry and letting the children attend Vacation Bible School (VBS).