A Child Is Born
Editorial by Rick Remmers
Jesus’ birth is the most important birth of all the billions that have taken place through earth’s history. His life, death and resurrection are at the center of the plan of salvation and our hope for eternity.
Jesus’ birth gives significance to every other birth on this planet. Every child that is born has infinite value because of His advent. As the people of God, we recognize this importance and choose to value every young person as well.
At the Chesapeake Conference, we have made ministry to children and youth a high priority. We invest time, resources, creativity and energy into a wide range of ministries to reach every child of God.
Every congregation is encouraged to focus ministry on their young people and the children in their community. It is at this stage in life when they are most open and receptive to the gospel. We want to invite each young person to make a lifelong commitment to Jesus.
Our Seventh-day Adventist schools have a curriculum focused on presenting Jesus as Creator, Redeemer and soon-coming King. We know each student matters to Him.
Who are the children God has brought into your sphere of influence? How can you reflect the love of our Messiah to them and let them know that they are highly valued?
Rick Remmers serves as president of the Chesapeake Conference.
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