Adventist Community Services (ACS) Disaster Relief (DR) staff around the conferences in the Columbia Union are preparing for the potential local landfall of Hurricane Florence.
Justo antes del comienzo de clases, unos 6.000 educadores adventistas se reunieron en Chicago para la Convención de Maestros de la División Norteamericana 2018, con el tema "Encuentra a Jesús, vive la excelencia".
This summer 21 pastors, many of them from the Columbia Union, enrolled in the “Seminar in Preaching Class,” offered by the Institute of Hispanic Ministry (IHM) at Andrews University (Mich.)
Este verano 21 pastores, la mayoría del territorio de la Union de Columbia se inscribieron en la clase "Seminario de predicación" ofrecido por el Instituto de Ministerio Hispano (IHM) de la Universidad de Andrews (Mich.)
Mark Brown, miembro de la iglesia New Life de la Conferencia de Allegheny East en Gaithersburg, Maryland, recientemente comenzó su nuevo rol como presidente de Servicios e industrias de laicos adventistas para la Unión de Columbia.
Mark Brown, a member of Allegheny East Conference’s New Life church in Gaithersburg, Md., recently started his new role as president of the Columbia Union Adventist-laymen’s Services & Industries (CUASI).
The Columbia-Union Visitor is accepting children’s art to be featured in the 2019 calendar. This year’s theme, “Let the Children Come” will tell various Bible stories through the eyes of the union’s young ones.
The Bainum Family Foundation and NYC Leadership Academy recently launched the Advancement of Christian Education (ACE) Academy Leadership Coaching Program, a two-year intensive program designed to help 20 school administrators maximize their impact and better serve students.