Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Columbia Union News

“2018 marks the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Fifty years later, [our nation is] still struggling with many of the ills of that day,” says Charde (Hurst) Hollins, AWC Young Adult Department director. “This conference was designed to celebrate the life of Dr. King by equipping attendees to respond to the many issues we encounter in our communities and throughout this nation.”

A team from Potomac Conference's Beltsville Pathfinder Club reacts to their placement. Photo by Pieter Damsteegt

Thirty-seven Columbia Union Conference Pathfinder teams recently participated in the North American Division’s Pathfinder Bible Experience in Florida. A sudden venue change in January proved to be a miracle in disguise, allowing a total of 193 teams to compete—an amount way beyond what organizers originally estimated.

Philadelphia Mission trip participants participate in an outreach event.

The majority of Adventist young adults—approximately 70 percent by one estimate—do not attend Seventh-day Adventist institutions of higher learning. During the recent Philadelphia Mission Trip event, more than 70 young adults, mostly from the Columbia Union, worked to reach these and other students at Bryn Mawr College, Temple University and Drexel University, schools in the Philadelphia area.

Members of the Fredericksburg Pathfinder Club participate in the Columbia Union Pathfinder Bible Experience

On Sabbath, 54 teams, comprised of at least 320 Pathfinders, gathered in Blue Mountain Academy’s gymnasium in Hamburg, Pa., to test their knowledge of the books of Esther and Daniel during the Columbia Union Conference’s sixth Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE), a competition that tests participants Bible knowledge. So far it is the largest Columbia Union PBE event in the union.

Fifty-seven Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) teams from around the Columbia Union Conference gathered at Blue Mountain Academy for the union-level PBE event on Sabbath. Thirty-seven of those teams placed first and will continue to the division-level event.

 Guest presenters meet David Maraga,   Chief Justice and president of the Supreme Court of Kenya, and E  CD President Blasious Ruguri.

Several leaders from the Columbia Union Conference recently traveled to Kenya to help the East-Central Africa Division (ECD) officially establish an Adventist-laymen’s Services and Industries (ASI) organization during the ECD’s 2nd Annual ASI convention.