The previous school year taught many lessons as educators converted in-person lesson plans into material for online classes. Administrators are carrying many of them into the current school year—whether online or in person. Here are just a few of the lessons learned:
Si bien algunos incidentes raciales recientes pueden ser fáciles de ignorar o de explicar, su impacto, combinado con los recuerdos de casos históricos de racismo, aún resuenan en la iglesia.
“White Oak Medical Center’s first year has been full of joy, excitement and blessings, as well as constant change amid the unprecedented COVD-19 pandemic,” said Anthony Stahl, president of Adventist HealthCare White Oak Medical Center.
This spring and summer, one student from each of the Columbia Union Conference academies received the Caring Heart Award from Columbia Union’s Office of Education. Those honored demonstrated a commitment to service and witnessing.
A special constituency session of the Pennsylvania Conference of Seventh-day Adventists will be held beginning at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, October 11, 2020.
The Visitor is now offering exclusively online classified ads on our website Previously, classified ads were only available for purchase in the print magazine.
“Rob Vandeman has always been a champion for the grace of Christ and the mission of the Adventist Church in so many ways as pastor and administrator,” says Dave Weigley, Columbia Union president.
After getting off to a strong start, the initiative was put on hold because of the pandemic. Now “Operation Fill the Pantry” is making a successful return socially distanced, of course.
Suzanne recalls the first time the two met, “I was twelve and he was thirteen when he and his father came to the plumbing shop where I answered phones on Sundays. After buying some fittings, they left and he winked at me with those beautiful powder blue eyes.”