Camp Meetings Spur Baptisms, Bible Study Requests
Story by Evan Knott
Chesapeake Conference’s annual camp meeting, held June 11–15 at Highland View Academy in Hagerstown, Md., highlighted a major evangelistic focus this year, resulting in significant decisions for baptisms and Bible studies. The event featured renowned evangelist Mark Finley, who delivered six compelling messages under the theme, “Revelation of Hope: God’s Plan for Living Free.”
Record attendance marked this year’s camp meeting, with Sabbath services so crowded that even overflow tents and classrooms were filled to capacity. More than 40 attendees turned in response cards indicating their desire to be baptized.
Chesapeake Conference had prepared extensively for this evangelistic thrust, mailing more than 70,000 flyers to households in the Hagerstown area and organizing evangelistic and seed-sowing events in local churches during the spring.
A significant addition this year was Messiah’s Mansion, a life-size replica of the biblical sanctuary, which drew more than 2,000 visitors, most of whom were from the community. The tours generated tremendous interest in further programming and engagement, with more than 500 people submitting cards requesting Bible studies.
Throughout the week, “singing evangelist” Charles Haugabrooks provided musical inspiration that set a strong spiritual tone for each program. On Sabbath, a special appeal for evangelism and the conference’s “Reach Baltimore” 2025 initiative raised more than $43,000.
The children’s, youth and young adult divisions also saw robust participation, with more than 440 attendees throughout the week.
Spanish Camp Meeting, held June 7–9, also emphasized evangelism, drawing more than 1,000 attendees to the main worship service on Sabbath and more than 300 children, youth and young adults to their respective meetings. Minervino Labrador, Jr., vice president for Multilingual Ministries at the North American Division, was the main speaker, and renowned singer Felipe Garibo was the featured musician. The highlight of the weekend was the celebration of nine baptisms during the Sabbath service.
“For nearly a year, we prayed for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on this year’s camp meeting sessions, both Spanish and English, and were not disappointed in the least, seeing how many people made decisions for baptism or recommitment, and the many more who were blessed by the timely themes and powerful messages,” says Jerry Lutz, president. “It was exciting to see the scores of people from the surrounding communities who came to an Adventist camp meeting for the very first time and are now making connections in local Adventist churches for Bible studies and fellowship.”
Andre Hastick, executive secretary and camp meeting coordinator, notes God’s presence throughout this year’s programs and activities: “All we can say is, ‘Praise the Lord!’ It was a blessing to see our Chesapeake family come together for a Spirit-filled time of inspiration and fellowship. The plans for 2025 are already underway, and we know the Lord has even greater blessings in store for us for our next camp meeting together.”
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