Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

highland view academy

Students Tour Adventist Landmarks, Learn History, Highland View Academy, William Miller Farm, Willer Chapel, Ascension Rock, Hiram Edson Farm, Washington New Hampshire church

Ellen White once wrote, “We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history” (Life Sketches, p. 196). It was for this reason that it was important for the students at Highland View Academy (HVA) to experience and witness the incredible history of the Seventh-day Adventist movement.

Highland View Academy, Our Academy Is Going Places!, Rob Gettys, Chesapeake Conference, Transportation Fundraising Campaign

If you were to ask Highland View Academy (HVA) students what some of their least favorite memories of HVA are, many would likely say their long trips in a hot (and sometimes smelly) bus because the A/C had gone out again. Or maybe they would describe crawling over the van seats because the door, which had just been “fixed,” was jammed again.

Camp Meeting Returns in Person This June, Chesapeake Conference, The Gathering: Occupy Till He Comes, Highland View Academy, Derek Morris

Chesapeake Conference is gearing up for this year’s camp meeting, “The Gathering: Occupy Till He Comes,” which is set to take place June 13–17 on the campus of Highland View Academy in Hagerstown, Md. This year marks the return to an in-person event after the COVID-19 pandemic forced the conference to switch to a virtual format for the past three years.