Need Ideas for Special Sabbath Activities?
By Thomas and Hannah Luttrell and Visitor Staff
"I'm bored!" If you're a parent and it's the Sabbath, you've probably heard your kids say these words before. But Sabbath doesn't have to be dull and dry. There are many fun activities you and your family can do together. Here are just a few:
• Light a candle at sundown Friday to denote the start of a special time with Jesus.
• Start Sabbath morning with “Happy Sabbath pancakes.”
• Discover a new Christian artist or podcast.
• Create a seasonal scavenger hunt.
• Watch Hope+ Kids animated Bible stories on YouTube.
• Make an artistic card, and give it to a neighbor.
• On a nature walk, quietly have each family member listen for a different bird song.
• Work on an Adventurer or Pathfinder honor.
• Play Bible games, including the new Heroes Bible trivia game, available for free from the App Store or Google Play.
In the May/June 2023 Columbia Union Visitor feature, we delve into what it’s like to raise children in less-than-ideal circumstances, how to fight against passive parenting, and what parents can do to help their kids define their faith.
- Feature: Parenting Paradigm
- Editorial: We're Parents; Now What?
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- Need Ideas to Make Sabbath Special?
- Parenting From a Kids’ Perspective
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- Read More Articles From The Issue
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