Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Jyremy Reid's art titled Creation

A Spiritual Experience

Story by Cynthia Mendoza

Looking for a productive way to help channel Jyremy Reid’s 3-year-old energy and creativity, his mother bought him a sketchbook. His newfound companion accompanied him everywhere, even church.

One Sabbath at church, his grandmother looked down at his sketchbook, and to her amazement, Reid was drawing the podium and the surrounding scenery. That was when Reid's family realized he had a God-given gift. His lifelong journey with art had just begun.

A member of the New Market (Va.) church, Reid’s artistic gifts have led to many opportunities. He has created commissioned work for the Oakwood Magazine, Message Magazine and a gallery at his alma mater, La Sierra University (Calif.), portraying Jesus’ life as revealed in the book of Mark. He has also created “live paintings” during sermons or events.

Reid draws inspiration from several sources, but often feels the Lord places the projects on his heart. “The purpose for my spiritual pieces is to give encouragement and hope,” says Reid. “As an artist, I am also blessed to be able to witness through however the Holy Spirit seems best. It’s a blessing when I hear from others how my work spoke into their lives.”

Reid especially enjoys creating portraits, having done his first self-portrait at the age of 9. When drawing faces, he delves deep into one’s nuances and expressions, even capturing the emotions in the subject’s eyes. When it comes to his social media videos where he depicts Bible characters or stories, he sketches the image on a canvas, sets up the camera and paints. He later edits the videos to speed up the painting process and adds background music.

Reid says the process of creating art is not only a blessing to others but a spiritual experience for him. He recently went through a difficult and humbling personal challenge, leaving him in very low spirits.

“An image I painted of Jesus holding a man in sorrow came to mind,” Reid reflects. “I imagined that man as myself. And every time I look at it, I am comforted. I am reminded that Jesus is always here to hold me.”

One of Reid’s biggest dreams is to create a graphic novel on the book of Revelation, a project he was inspired to do about 14 years ago, at the age of 14. He offers the following words of wisdom to young Christian artists on how to use their gifts for the glory of God: “Stay humble and hungry. Keep learning new techniques, stay open-minded and keep the Lord in your future. He will make your paths straight.”

Read the March/April 2022 Columbia Union Visitor here.


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