How Diverse is the Columbia Union?
How Diverse is the Columbia Union?
Did you know that there are 41,317 multilingual members among the Columbia Union Conference’s 148,068 members? (See how demographic shifts are impacting our churches here.)
Of this number, reported to the Columbia Union Conference's Multilingual Ministries Department:
31,140 speak Spanish
2,699 speak French
1,870 speak Korean
1,247 are Indian
1,052 are Haitian
1,340 members are Ghanian
928 are Brazilian
461 are Filipino
247 are Indonesian
135 are Chinese
57 are Ethiopian
24 are Hungarian
22 are Romanian
Read these articles from the January/February 2019 Visitor:
- Editorial: Seek First to Understand
- Feature: Amish to Adventist
- Amish Fact or Fiction
- Journey to Adventism
- How Diverse is the Columbia Union?
- Book Release: Children Are Gifts
- Children Illustrate 2019 Calendar
- Niños Ilustran el Calendario 2019
- Le CURF va rembourser 3,2 millions de dollars aux fédérations
- CURF devuelve $3.2 Milliones a las conferencias
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