How to Throw a Princess Party
Tamyra Horst, Pennsylvania Conference Women's Ministries director, offers quick tips for throwing a princess party.
* Plan your event—choose a date, time and place. Schedule at least three hours for the event, and allow one to two hours for set up before and after the event.
* Create your invitations and send them out. This should include postcards, bulletin inserts, ads for newspapers, or invitation cards to be handed out or mail. Include the date, location, time, RSVP and “for more information” contact phone number and email address. Wording can be simple.
* Organize your team: meal staff to prepare serve and clean up, greeter, one to two people to lead the welcome craft the girls will do as they arrive and wait for event to begin, storyteller, emcee, and assistants to help with crafts.
* Plan the activities for your event—part of the fun! Remember the goal is for little girls and their moms to leave reminded they are princesses of God, so each activity should embody this theme.
To read the entire resource on throwing your own Princess Tea, visit, click on Women’s Ministries and download the Princess Tea resource.
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