Spencerville Member Awarded for Work in Domestic Violence Education

Marie Schaub, a member of Chesapeake Conference’s Spencerville church in Silver Spring, Md., was recently recognized for her work in domestic violence education. She received an award for her 10 years of work with the Interfaith Community Against Domestic Violence (IFCADV), an organization that aims to educate faith communities on how to deal with issues of domestic violence.
Schaub, who received the Board Leadership award, has served on the board of directors for 10 years. According to an IFCADV press release, “She has faithfully and energetically supported the mission of our organization in a myriad of ways—in her hard work, her regular attendance, her wise guidance, her gentle outreach, her financial support and her sense of humor. … Marie has been a blessing over the years to our organization and to the individuals in our organization and to domestic violence survivors.”
Ever committed to the cause, Schaub did not want to talk about herself when asked to comment on the award. Instead she focused on the issue of domestic violence. “I just feel that this is a very important topic, and we seldom talk about it in our faith communities,” she said. “If we don’t talk about it people don’t feel comfortable talking to their clergy about this.”
She added, “There is help and hope for those affected by family violence, both for victims/survivors and perpetrators. Family violence includes partner abuse, child abuse, elder abuse, dating and trafficking.”
She encourages anyone seeking help or more information to contact Polly’s Place and the Women’s Healing and Empowerment Network (WHENetwork), a Seventh-day Adventist-run women’s shelter and support system at:
Address: Polly’s Place
P.O. 19039
Spokane, WA 99219-9039
Phone: (877) 276-5597 or (509) 323-2123
Email: info@whenet.com
Website: whenetwork.com/
The worldwide Adventist Church has designated every fourth Sabbath in August as Abuse Prevention Emphasis day. This year it is August 28. For more information, visit adventistwomensministries.org.
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