Another year has come to a close, and we can honestly say that God has not only been with us but has truly led and blessed the children, high school youth, young adults and adults of Ohio.
Pennsylvania Conference’s Impact Magabook Ministries offers young adults the opportunity to raise funds for their school tuition while simultaneously impacting the lives of people by sharing the gospel through books and literature.
We know we are living in the last days, and God is going to power His last-day mission through our offerings of thanksgiving and faithful return of His tithe and other gifts. This is how we honor and worship Him.
Spencerville Adventist Academy's high school students attended a spiritual retreat, themed “Reflecting Christ,” to foster a deeper personal relationship with God.
The purpose for Mountain View Conference's recent New Believer's Retreat was to solidify new members in faith, reclaim discouraged members, and help all participants to better understand Seventh-day Adventist subculture.