Allegheny East Conference Hosts Second Virtual Communication Event
Story by LaTasha Hewitt
Allegheny East Conference’s (AEC) Communication Department recently hosted its sixth annual Connection and Ministry Conference (CAMCON), held virtually for the second year in a row. The theme, “Hands-on the Future,” was designed to give online attendees tools to improve or shift their communication ministry to become relevant in a pandemic-impacted world. Over the threeday conference, approximately 70 attendees joined via Zoom, including pastors, communication leaders and other church leaders.
The first session began with a presentation from Celeste Blyden Ryan, vice president for Strategic Communication for the Columbia Union Conference, on when and how to write a statement when a crisis occurs. Next, attendees learned the process of producing virtual groups and choirs by presenter Horane Henry, a project management professional and technology ministry leader.
Featured presenter Kirk Nugent, an innovator, leader, speaker and YouTuber, shared each day on topics such as “Transition Requiring Identification” and “Defining Ministry in a Digital Age.” During his final session, he conducted a studio show-and-tell, sharing the equipment he used to create his home studio, from lighting to cameras.
In addition, Jennifer Gray Woods, associate general counsel for the General Conference, shared reminders on copyright considerations for the digital space. Michael Escalante, a cyber security expert, shared an eye-opening presentation on how to keep children safe online. Bryant Taylor, pastor of worship and media at the Azure Hills church (Calif.), challenged attendees to use technology to help spread the gospel.
On the final day, George O’Bryant, owner of Call Go Tech, shared the importance of networking your home and church to meet your ministry needs.
The conference culminated with the annual CAMCON Award Ceremony, where churches were recognized for excellence in categories such as livestream, non-church stream, video production, social media presence and church website.
This year, event organizers introduced a “sharktank” style award for small churches. Candidates created 60-second videos describing how they would use $250 to enhance their current communication ministry. Visit visitaec.org/camcon to view the presentations and winners.
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