Watch a Recording of the January 4 Columbia Union Conference Day of Prayer
Columbia Union Conference members are joining together in prayer in 2025—starting with the online Columbia Union Day of Prayer on Jan. 4, from 4–5 p.m. Watch a video of the event here!
Come Jesus Come
Give us you Holy Spirit without you we can’t do anything!
Make me a humble servant of yours let my life be a blessing for others and a reflection of your divine love.
Do we have to register for this event?
You do not have to register
You don't have to register. Just watch on Facebook or Youtube-- or right here in this story!
This is my goal for 2025 to become a powerful person in prayer. Not just talking but listening to God so I may open my spirit to the leading of the Holy Ghost.
John 13:34
May I, my family and my church family have a deep and abiding relationship with Jesus Christ and love one another as Christ loves us..
Back to the Altar Week of Prayer
Praise the Lord that our conferences actively teach our churches how to minister for Christ so the gospel is preached to the ends of the earth.
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