Columbia Union Kicks Off Pentecost 2025 and Prayer Emphasis
Story by V. Michelle Bernard
“As they prepared to receive the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ disciples gathered with other believers in the upper room,” says Marcellus T. Robinson, Columbia Union Conference president. “They sensed their deep inadequacies and need for unity, together constantly for prayer. ... Join us as we participate and pray earnestly for Pentecost 2025.”
Columbia Union Conference leaders invite members to unite in prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to guide them as they reach out to their communities during Pentecost 2025, North American Division’s evangelism initiative.
José D. Espósito, assistant to the president for evangelism, shares that more than 648 churches and schools in the Columbia Union are participating in Pentecost 2025—an initiative inviting members of all ages (including students) to lead out in evangelism, host Bible studies, home groups and reach their communities for Christ. The Mountain View Conference, alone, reports that 100 percent of their schools, including their daycare and pre-K schools, are cooperating in this effort.
Espósito and the evangelism directors in the union’s eight conferences are continuing to prepare for Pentecost 2025 by gathering resources and scheduling training events for the year ahead.
The registration deadline to host an event is Dec. 31, 2024, but after the cut-off date, members can still find resources on sharing one’s faith, attend evangelism training events and find Bible study guides at columbiaunionvisitor.com/pentecost2025.
Let’s Pray Together!
Celeste Ryan Blyden, Columbia Union executive secretary and Prayer Ministries director, says, “During 2025, we are placing a special emphasis on prayer because:
1. We want to follow Jesus’ example of intentionally engaging in a rich and vibrant prayer life;
2. We want to claim the promises of His Holy Word as we seek to navigate the uncertain times in which we live; and
3. We sincerely want to experience an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Who promises to give us the power to be witnesses to all the world in preparation for Christ’s soon return.”
She adds, “Imagine if members across the Columbia Union followed Jesus’ example of intentionally engaging in a rich, active and vibrant prayer life. Imagine if we, like the disciples and others, gathered constantly for prayer, meeting online and in person to intercede relentlessly for the people in our lives, workplaces, churches, communities, nation and world.”
Join the Columbia Union in Prayer!
Join other Columbia Union Conference members in prayer in 2025—starting with the online Columbia Union Day of Prayer on Jan. 4, from 4–5 p.m. Then, beginning in February, and throughout the year, at noon on the first Wednesday of each month, members are invited to an online prayer call.
Also, the 2025 Columbia Union Conference calendar emphasizes prayer, using inspiring Bible verses and quotes from Ellen White.
“We hope the pages of the calendar will serve as a handbook—providing prompts and inspiration that will aid and guide through this collective commission to pray,” says Kelly Butler Coe, calendar and Visitor editor.
Each month, the calendar will include a Columbia Union and Pentecost 2025 “Prayer Focus” which members are invited to include in their prayer time. Scan the QR code to access links to the prayer meetings and watch videos introducing the next month’s prayer focus.
Visit columbiaunionvisitor.com/pentecost2025 for inspiring stories of members who are sharing their faith and reaching their communities in this effort.
How to Get Involved
- Register to host a Pentecost 2025 by December 31
- Attend the January 4 Columbia Union Day of Prayer
- Attend the Monthly Prayer Gatherings (Follow the Visitor on Facebook or YouTube to attend.)
- Participate in Evangelism Training Events
- Share a 2025 Columbia Union Conference Prayer Calendar
- Share Your Evangelism Testimonies With the Visitor Staff
- Share One of the Columbia Union’s Inspiring Monthly Prayer Videos With a Friend (to be posted each month)
- Contact your conference to find out about additional events and local resources.
- Use your spiritual gifts to minister in your community? To a neighbor? To a colleague? To a classmate?
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