Should Christians Practice Yoga?
Should Christians Practice Yoga?
Story by Sherry English
Yoga was born from Eastern meditation practices and comes with the same warnings. However, Faye Gregory, a personal trainer and group fitness instructor who is a member at Allegheny East Conference’s First church of Newtonville (N.J.), notes one benefit to seek elsewhere. “I’m big on breathing. We don’t breathe deeply and fully enough,” she says. Deep breathing oxygenates the brain and muscles and is a key component in de-stressing.
Gregory teaches deep breathing at AEC’s annual Fit4You Retreats, where she has been offering a yoga-like relaxation and stretching class for about 10 years. “My students say the class is refreshing and ‘just what my body was asking for,’” she says.
To find safe yoga classes near you, Gregory suggests using the key words “Christian yoga” and to focus on relaxation and stretching classes.
What do you think about Christian meditation? Weigh in at facebook.com/columbiaunionvisitor!
Read more from the August 2014 Visitor:
- Feature: Cardio Conversion
- Underscore: Meditation is Helping Americans Handle Stress, But is it a Safe Practice for Christians?
- Should Christians Practice Yoga?
- Quick Tips for Fitness Newbies
- Creative Ways to Get in More Movement Each Day
- Editorial: Continuing a Tradition of Wellness
- Articulo espcial de Visitor: Conversación cardio
There is no such thing as " Christian Yoga" says the Christians at lighthousetrails.com and lighthousetrailsresearch.com They quote the former Guru turned Christian that every position is designed to worship a Hindu god; of which there are many. We are talking about two powers; Christ vs. Satan and his many gods of this world.
View the six videos on Dr. Edwin A. Noyes, MD, MPH website,
spiritualisticpractices.com and read his 600 page book " Esxposing Spiritualistic Practices in Healing" Do you understand the history? In the 80's the "New Age Bible" came out, " The Aquarian Conspiracy " listing clearly the plan to make health the entering wedge. Indeed they have succeeded; the nominal Christian world is accepting all forms of Eastern and New Age healing methods. Yoga, Martial Arts, Accupuncture, all energy balancing modes. We as SDA should have been re-reading the chapters in the Great Controversy, " Scriptures Our Only Safeguard" and " Spiritualism ". Especially has it been tempting for it attracts the world. But, here we ignore Christ's example; never once do you find Him using the materials of the world to win the world. Back to the scriptures; fill your mind with them and anxiety will cease as you trust in His Bible promises. Even Dr Nedley's new book " The Lost Art of Thinking" tells us that our thinking needs to be changed from self focus to Christ through His Sible scriptures.
Thank you for your post. I recoiled when I read the words "Christian Yoga" because I have always understood Yoga to be a religion affirming gods other than the One True God. To put these two opposing teachings together leads earnest Christians into breaking God's, "thou shalt have no other gods before me...thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them" commands.
Amen to all of the above comment. Removing only some of the questionable parts of a belief, position and/or practice and labelling it as Christian doesn't change the fundamental issue. Who or what is the primary focus?
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