By 2030, because of the aging baby boomers and increased life expectancy, about 72.1 million or more than one in five Americans will be aged 65 or above. As the population ages, many will become homebound and need home-based care,” reports the Administration on Aging.1 How will this impact our members?
The General Conference recently convened a conference in South Africa to discuss “alternative sexualities” with 350 invited church workers, scholars and leaders of several supporting ministries from around the world. The Visitor plans to discuss the results of the meetings in our July issue. Below Columbia Union members react to the meeting:
Maranatha French. Sous la conduite de Smith Olivier, Pasteur de la New Jersey Conference, environ 15 des 600 membres de son église de formation médicale ont visité Port- Margot au cours de l’été 2012. Etablissant une clinique mobile, ils ont aidé plus 1000 personnes. Et à la suite de réunions d’évangélisation tenues dans la zone, ils baptisèrent 63 précieuses âmes à la gloire de Seigneur.