Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

The Brostroms’ Ideas for an Unplugged Week

Bob and Barbara Brostrom, members of Chesapeake Conference’s Williamsport (Md.) church, have seven kids, including three teenagers and “survived” an entire week without TV, Internet, social media, video games, texts, even unnecessary phone calls. What did they do during that time?

The Brostrom Family says they learned to choose activities that require interaction and cooperation toward a common goal, like these:

  • Family game night
  • Mini hikes in the neighborhood
  • A musical jam session
  • A cookout or campfire in the backyard
  • Evening story time
  • An evening by candlelight
  • A family photo shoot in nature
  • An after-supper scavenger hunt, with dessert as the prize
  • Planning a family vespers program for church
  • Making birthday cards for friends and family
  • Designing a simple family newsletter then mailing/emailing it to older relatives
  • Making up a family trivia game (“What was Grandpa Bob’s nickname?”)

Photo by Jennifer Gustines


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