Shenandoah Valley Academy has helped me strengthen my relationship with God, learn to have integrity and, most importantly, treat others with kindness.
Charis McRoy, a biology student and member of the Honors College at Washington Adventist University, has earned a summer internship at Johns Hopkins University for 2024, following her persistent applications.
One class can change a student’s life. Ask Elaina Halye, a senior at Spring Valley Academy, and she will tell you that the ceramics class she took her sophomore year did just that.
What do you get when you take five schools, more than 100 students, a few dozen adults, and the support of home, school and conference and provide a high school spiritual retreat for them? United youth praising God across the New Jersey Conference (NJC).
Takoma Academy (TA) recently celebrated the opening of two newly renovated STEM science labs. One of the updated rooms will serve as the general science lab for Chemistry, Biology, Physics, and Anatomy and Physiology.
The most important thing that is going on at Spring Valley Academy is also the heartbeat of the school: the Campus Ministries Department, led by Chaplain Joel Greve and Assistant Chaplain Nicolas Chaij.