Lake Nelson Adventist Academy Introduces Electives to Engage Whole Mind
Story by Ashley Boggess
Many students struggle to see the practical application of many of their required subjects. It can be challenging to understand why certain topics and activities are necessary. At Lake Nelson Adventist Academy (LNAA), the school tries to provide a bal- ance of hands-on learning and traditional subjects so students can be prepared to be citizens in this life and in the life to come.
Students are able to select their elective courses from several categories: music and visual arts, social sciences, business, communications, and agriculture or culinary arts. Music and the visual art classes provide students with a creative outlet. They can choose from hand bells, choir, orchestra, Introduction to Music, and Introduction to Art. Students can learn how to express themselves in a new medium while also using their gifts for God.
Within the realm of social sciences, students can gain valuable insight in psychology and sociology. These classes, offered in rotating years, give students a unique look into how the human mind works and how they can engage in their communities in meaningful ways. In a similar fashion, the business courses offered help students prepare for real-life experiences as well as future colleges and careers. As sophomores, students take Financial Literacy, which introduces them to budgeting, financial planning and other important topics related to personal finance. Juniors and seniors have the opportunity to take Introduction to Business, Statistics, or Macro and Microeconomics. Each of these courses are dual-credit classes, enabling students to receive high school and college credits at the same time. These courses
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