Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists


This year marks 500 years since Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on the Castle Church door in Wittenberg, Germany (Oct. 31, 1517), challenging the established religious beliefs and practices of his denomination, and launching the Protestant Reformation. Conscientiously, he could not reconcile church practices with biblical teachings as he understood them. 

Members of seven churches in northeastern Ohio, along with the Ohio Conference, have been on a journey of faith this year. The July/August 2016 issue of the Visitor shared how educational evangelism grew a rural school in Clarksfield. In the last few months, they have outgrown their building. Thus, a united body—including students, parents, teachers, pastors, members and conference leaders—prayed earnestly for a new school.

There is a “new science” that should cause the Christian world, especially Seventh-day Adventists, to take notice. Epigenetic research has been around for 16 years, and it has revealed that the phrase in the second commandment in Exodus 20:5 that reads, “visiting the iniquities of the fathers unto the children unto the third and fourth generation,” is a fact of science.

On our descent down Mount Rainier, we made our way around the Wilson Glacier and crisscrossed the Nisqually Glacier, trying to avoid the many open crevasses, however, came to a crevasse we could not go around. We located a snow bridge to traverse over. After testing the bridge, we decided it was safe to cross. When it was my turn to go over, the snow bridge collapsed. I fell 14 feet and became wedged in the crevasse, upside down.

When I was seven, I had a near-death experience. I was driving the tractor, pulling a small wagon that contained the posts, and every so many feet, we would drop a post. Soon we came to a very steep hill with a rather precipitous descent. There was a lever on the tractor that, when you were on level ground or an incline, pulling it would reduce the speed. However, if you were descending it caused the opposite—in fact, it made the tractor coast. In my nervousness approaching the hill, I attempted to slow progress, and pulled the lever causing the tractor to go faster, not slower.