As we reflect on the extraordinary events of 2020, we understand our lives have dramatically changed. The pandemic shut down the economy, prohibited public gatherings and closed churches and schools.
Many churches normally go into high gear around the holidays, working to ensure that local families in need will have a full Thanksgiving meal and pantry. But what are they doing this year, months into the pandemic?
Durante más de cuatro meses, las iglesias estuvieron cerradas, y algunas no volverán a abrir durante el resto del año. Pero la atención se centra en la reapertura de los negocios, centros comerciales y restaurantes, con el mensaje: “Adelante. Estamos abiertos”.
During seven stops throughout the DMV area, over 14,500 pounds of food was collected and prepared for distribution. About 480 families were given a 30-pound box that would feed their family for a week.
“We spent the last few years cultivating a robust relationship with the community by establishing a biweekly food bank through Todos Comemos, our church’s food ministry, as well as doing annual health fairs,” explains member Elias Llerandi.
Who doesn’t love receiving a card in the mail? A text from a friend? Maybe even a call from a dear family member? Though many church facilities have reopened, not everyone has returned to in-person worship. To that end, members have found unique ways to reach out to church family and stay connected to those worshipping from home.
After four months of online church services, the Dale Wright Memorial church members in Germantown, Ohio, organized their first drive-in worship service in the parking lot.