Kettering Health announced it has named Michael Mewhirter, current chief financial officer (CFO), as interim chief executive officer (CEO). This appointment follows last week’s announcement that CEO Fred Manchur would be retiring after nearly 12 years in the role.
The Association of Adventist Colleges and Universities, which is composed of the presidents and other top leadership from 13 Seventh-day Adventist colleges and universities in North America, reports the latest consolidated enrollment numbers for 2022.
More than 2,000 Pathfinders recently attended "Relentless," the 2022 Columbia Union Camporee held at Summit Bechtel Reserve in Glen Jean, W.Va. (Watch videos from the camporee here, too!)
Hosted by the Columbia Union leadership team, the inaugural Women Clergy Retreat, themed ‘Refreshed, Renewed, Recharged,’ was held at the Bon Secours Retreat and Conference Center in Marriottsville, Md.
The Visitor team recently interviewed Columbia Union Conference President Dave Weigley to get his take on the union’s newly voted priorities and values for this quinquennium, the challenges our church is facing today, and our role when it comes to social issues.
If you say we are living in perilous and challenging times, times that try men’s souls, we agree. If you say we are living in the best and worst of times, we also agree. If you say we are living in the very last days of earth’s history, we most certainly agree.
Drill and drum corps competitions have long been a staple of Pathfinder camporees. This tradition continued at the ‘Relentless’ Columbia Union Camporee this August.