Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Columbia Union News

During a meeting today, Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee members affirmed the appointment of Jacqueline Messenger, Chesapeake Conference superintendent of schools, as the Columbia Union Conference’s associate director for secondary education.

Columbia Union Executive Committee Re-Appoints Eight Employees: Back: Emmanuel Asidedu, Celeste Ryan-Blyden, Harold Geene, (front) Carol Wright, Tabita Martinez, Ileana Espinosa, Evelyn Sullivan and Tiffany Brown (Jaqueline Messenger not pictured)

During the September 15 Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee meeting, members voted to re-appoint eight Columbia Union staff members to their current positions. They also appointed Tabita Martinez as undertreasurer beginning February 1, 2017, when Carol Wright retires. Celeste Ryan-Blyden will reassume Visitor editor responsibilities.

We are here, because talking saves lives,” said Jose Rojas at the opening of We Stand For All, a forum at Potomac Conference’s Sligo church in Takoma Park, Md., designed to discuss if the church should have a role in social justice—a question that has become more prevalent following a rally on the National Mall where nearly 1,000 Adventists stood together for prayer and peace.