Columbia Union leadership’s vision was for the event to provide practical tools through 40 workshops and 10 plenary sessions to empower, equip, and engage pastors.
Society is undergoing rapid technological advancements, globalization and cultural shifts. Individuals living in the 21st century are adapting and developing new ways of thinking and approaching the various complex- ities of modern life. Should the church be adapting too?
En marzo 2024, unos 776 asistentes, incluidos pastores y sus cónyuges, se reunieron en Hershey, Pennsylvania, para el Taller de Evangelismo de Columbia Union “Yo estoy contigo”.
En marzo, 23 de los 37 equipos que participaron en el evento Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) 2024 a nivel de Columbia Union Conference quedaron en primer lugar.
Last Sabbath, 23 Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) teams from the Columbia Union Conference participated in the North American Division event in Greeley, Col.
Marcellus T. Robinson, president of the Allegheny East Conference since October 2022, has been elected as the new president of the Columbia Union Conference.