Executive Committee: 'Coming Together to Work Together'
Story by V. Michelle Bernard
“Ministry [and] mission is about [impacting] people,” said Alex Barrientos, lead pastor of Potomac Conference’s Sligo church, to the Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee members during Thursday morning’s worship. “It’s not about you; it’s about me—[impacting] people. Mission takes a different angle then.”
Barrientos’ call to reach people individually was echoed throughout the morning meeting reports held at Sligo in Takoma Park, Md.
Following are highlights from the meeting:
In his President’s Report, Marcellus T. Robinson, Columbia Union president, said, “Our goal is to come together, pull together and work together.” He expressed how less than a year into his new role, he’s working to create new relationships with members throughout the union and in the union office. Since the last executive committee meeting earlier this year, he has deepened these relationships by visiting seven camp meetings, joining 15 board of trustees and executive meetings, attending the “Believe the Promise” International Pathfinder Camporee in Gillette, Wyo., and even ziplining in West Virginia.
In his report, José Espósito, assistant to the president for Evangelism, shared how members around the union are working together to share the gospel through many types of evangelism, including focused weeks of community service that resulted in a small church nearly doubling their membership (link to AEC story about this when site is up)’; an online evangelism meeting; the celebration of 200 consecutive baptisms in the New Jersey Conference; and a joint evangelistic effort organized and run by seven churches in the Ohio and Allegheny West conferences, among other ways.
Churches around the union are actively planning to participate in the Pentecost 2025 initiative. As of today, Espósito noted at least 526 churches and centers have signed up to participate, which will result in more than $1,465,450 distributed in evangelism funds from the North American Division (NAD).
He also said there has been 3,658 baptisms in the union so far this year—a 14 percent growth.
--Reporting on behalf of Frank Bondurant, union vice president for Ministries Development, Carolina Ramos, executive assistant of Ministries Development, noted that their department planned several community service projects for union staff this year, including volunteering at the Howard County Bank and donating items and stuffing 50 backpacks with school supplies for a local school. Ramos also thanked the Columbia Union Pathfinder coordinators and volunteers for their part in making the international camporee a success.
--Kelly Buter Coe, union vice president for Communication, joined Ramos to share a joint report on the International Camporee in Gillette, Wyo., this summer (Insert the video below.) She noted that the Communication team published four special Visitor News Bulletin emails, produced nine social media videos, wrote and published 11 stories, recorded 237 videos and took 1,000-plus photos—resulting in more than 125,000 views on Facebook and 15,000-plus views on Instagram.
--Celeste Ryan Blyden, union executive secretary, shared that she will be the main speaker at a nationally-televised evangelism series in Ghana this fall. She’ll be taking several volunteers from the union, including several executive committee members (pictured). The group will offer presentations on health, mental health and communication.
--Emmanuel Asiedu, union treasurer, noted that “God continues to bless the Columbia Union.” He said that tithe has been flat from January to July, which is, in fact, a blessing because other unions were struggling during this time period. He noted that one reason for the union’s strong financial state due to its caution to save money throughout the years.
--Weymouth Spence, president of Washington Adventist University (WAU), and Ricardo Flores, chief of Institutional Effectiveness and Technology, shared the university’s report, noting the preliminary 2024–25 enrollment numbers of 635 students.
Flores said the “students are the reason we wake up in the morning, eager to come to work.” He also noted that Washington Monthly ranked the university 43 out of 750 schools on the East Coast for the best “bang for the buck.” WAU also ranked 17th, based on their contribution to the public good in social mobility, research and promoting public service.
--Mike Gentry, CEO of Kettering Health, and John Sackett, president and CEO of Adventist HealthCare, also shared reports on their respective institutions.
--The committee approved delegates to serve at the General Conference session next summer. They also approved two new union representatives to the NAD Executive Committee meetings.
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