News from the Allegheny East Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, which includes churches and schools in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Allegheny East Conference's Maryland Central Korean church in Gaithersburg sparked a Sabbath movement that now reaches all the way to South Korea. The Return to the Bible Movement, a mission project to spread the Sabbath message to local Protestant pastors and elders through advertising, began in November 2011.
As soon as Allegheny East Conference's Delaware Valley Ministerium (DVM) learned of the pope’s scheduled visit to Philadelphia in September, leaders started strategizing ways to reach the thousands who will congregate for his arrival.
Story by LaTasha Hewitt, Allegheny East Conference
Para el Global Youth Day [día global de jóvenes] de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día, las iglesias de Allegheny East Conference participaron en varias actividades de enfoque comunitario como el “sermón” de ese día. Además de oraciones y abrazos gratuitos, la iglesia Rehoboth Spanish en Reading, Pa., distribuyó té caliente de jengibre, batidos de frutas y granola hecha en casa.
Earlier this year, the Maranatha church in Newark, N.J., won the 2014-15 North Jersey Youth Federation Basketball League (NJYFBL) Championship held at the Rosa Parks School in Orange, N.J.
Story by Visitor and Allegheny East Conference staff
The Columbia Union Conference Office of Education recently presented one administrator and two teachers with their annual awards. Below, recipients share their reactions:
Through a new video Web series, Allegheny East Conference leadership is spearheading an ongoing discussion on the origin of regional conferences and the state of race relations in the church.
For the past four years, during the time of year when many communities celebrate Easter, the drama ministry at the Allegheny East Conference's Germantown church in Philadelphia has transformed its sanctuary into a set for a stage play.