Did you hear about the students in Swedish schools who walk a daily mile, resulting in higher academic abilities? This report inspired me to start something
similar in my Ohio Conference's Spring Valley Academy classroom this year.
Students from Spencerville Adventist Academy's Broadcast Journalism Television News Production class recently conducted a social experiment during the lunch hour at school.
I have experienced that this is what makes Adventist education the most effective. Spirituality, like our devotion to God, must be first in whatever it is we do, says Burney Culpepper, the recently selected new principal of Blue Mountain Academy.
In today’s tech-reliant world, it can be tougher than ever to focus on something without getting distracted. Some of the wonderful gadgets designed to make our lives easier and keep us constantly connected can be dangerous—and even deadly—when, for instance, one’s attention is on texting instead of on the more pressing matter of driving.
And here’s the important thing about all of these things: regardless of what you are doing or not doing, there is something to be learned by a few seconds of stillness.