Students from universities across North and South America, including a group from Kettering College, took a break during the summer, and traveled miles from home to ensure that underprivileged children earn a higher education.
Why do we spend all that money to send students to another country for just 10 days? Wouldn’t it be better used by sending a check overseas and letting the local people spend it as they see fit?” Have you ever heard these questions? Have you ever thought them yourself? At the Mountain View Conference (MVC), we have a decisive answer.
In an effort to make disciples of all nations, members of Potomac Conference's Solid Rock church in Arlington, Va., have recently focused their attention on a different sort of “nation”—cyberspace.
At a recent constituency meeting, members of Allegheny East Conference’s Prison Ministries Federation elected officers to serve for the next quinquennium.
"[Earlier this year], a new, bright light illuminated the entire state of Ohio and beyond,” says Peter Simpson, Hispanic Ministries coordinator for the Ohio Conference, adding, “[This light] is STAR ON—STereo Adventist Radio ONline (Stereo Adventista).” Six months later, the station has an average of 1,200 daily listeners, with up to 1,600 on weekends.
Outside the windows of the small high-rise apartment, the predawn surroundings are pitch black. Miss Zhang* leans into her microphone and welcomes her online listeners to the live internet worship called Good Morning, China.