Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

May 2017

The newly re-elected Chesapeake Conference officers are joined by their wives: Jerry Lutz, Janet Lutz, Rick Remmers, Shayne Remmers, Elsy Muñoz and Eduardo Muñoz. Photo by Andre Hastick

At the Fourth Quinquennial Constituency Session of the Chesapeake Conference, held on Sunday, May 21, at the Spencerville church in Silver Spring, Md., a quorum of the 327 regular delegates and 227 delegates-at-large met to elect officers for the 2017-2021 quinquennial term and conduct church business.

Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center and Adventist HealthCare
Washington Adventist Hospital each received two awards from the American Heart
Association and American Stroke Association for life-saving, high-quality stroke care.
This comes during National Stroke Month, when we raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of stroke, which affects 800,000 Americans a year.

Parte de la declaración dice: "Como miembros de la comunidad, debemos respetar la ley. Como miembros de la iglesia, tenemos la responsabilidad moral de cuidar a los menos favorecidos y denunciar la opresión, el abuso y el maltrato en cualquier forma ".