The beautifully appointed Southern Asian church in Silver Spring, Md., was the scene of the Second Annual Music Awards sponsored by the Guild of Adventist Musicians.
During June, Kettering Adventist HealthCare (KAHC), based in Dayton, Ohio, will be featured on American Airlines’ Sky Net Radio with a three-minute infomercial spotlighting our history, heritage, quality care, and innovation.
Some 100 leaders from all over the union recently attended the Columbia Union Conference Spiritual Leadership Symposium, a three-day event designed to provide leaders of conferences, schools, and healthcare networks, as well as those who sit on conference executive committees and college boards, with the skills necessary to lead effectively.
The Columbia Union Conference was well represented at the Division Level Pathfinder Bible Achievement in Berrien Springs, Mich. Ohio Conference’s Delaware Discoverers and Pennsylvania Conference’s Reading Hampden Hawks went up against 24 other Pathfinder clubs from across the North American Division.
Review and Herald employees ran away to join the circus, but instead of performing in the high-wire act, they decided to share literature with the community.