Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Columbia Union Pathfinders Participate in Division-Wide Bible Achievement

By Pamela Scheib | Photos by Betsy Colon

The Columbia Union Conference was well represented at the Division Level Pathfinder Bible Achievement in Berrien Springs, Mich. Ohio Conference’s Delaware Discoverers and Pennsylvania Conference’s Reading Hampden Hawks went up against 24 other Pathfinder clubs from across the North American Division. 

Hosted each year by the Michigan Conference, their Pathfinder director Terry Dodge acted as “Quiz Master” for the event. Pathfinders were asked 90 questions testing their knowledge on chapters 10-36 of 2 Chronicles. The scoring was based on the club with the highest score. All clubs that came within 90 percent of that score were given a first place. 

Congratulations to the Reading Hampden Hawks for their first place win and to the Delaware Discoverers for earning third place. 

Jeremiah is the book to study for next year’s “Bible Bowl”. 

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