Grasonville Church Donates 'Blessing Bags' to Patients
Story by Evan Knott
Members of Chesapeake Conference's Grasonville (Md.) church recently donated “blessing bags” to the Bay Hematology and Oncology Center in Centreville, Md., aiming to bring comfort to cancer patients undergoing treatment.
Church members assembled and delivered the bags, filled with blankets, slippers, puzzle books, chapstick, wipes and various other comfort items to those facing the challenges of cancer therapy.
The genesis of the blessing bags outreach came after member Sue Tyler visited the center for an iron infusion and observed cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. After inquiring with the nurses about how the church could aid the patients, she received a list of desired items.
Tyler collaborated with the other members of the Grasonville Women’s Ministries committee, subsequently presenting the idea to the entire congregation. Over several weeks, church members collected the necessary items, which were then assembled into the blessing bags. Upon delivering them to the center, the bags were entrusted to the nurses for distribution to patients at the time of check-in, ensuring a personal and caring touch.
Tyler reflected on the motivation behind the project, saying, “God asks us to reach out. It’s a way of sharing God’s love and helping others.”
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