‘Relentless’ Camporee Drill and Drum Corps Results Are In
Drill and drum corps competitions have long been a staple of Pathfinder camporees. This tradition continued at the "Relentless" Columbia Union Camporee this August. The team and individual competitions took place at the Summit Bechtel Reserve grounds in Glen Jean, W.Va.
Joel Hutchins, a staff member with Potomac Conference’s Sligo Challengers and who helps run the event, notes that at the last two international camporees in Oshkosh, Wis., drill teams from the Columbia Union entered in more competitions than any other union. He hopes more conferences and teams from the union will continue to join the event.
Drill Team/Drum Corps Competition Results
Allegheny East Conference
2nd: Sentinels, Basic Drill Team
New Jersey Conference
1st: Vineland Messengers, Basic Drill Team
2nd: Flowers of Jesus, Basic Drill Team
1st: Zion, Freestyle Drill Team
Pennsylvania Conference
2nd: Allentown Hispanic, Golden Angels Advanced Drill team
1st: Maranatha North Stars, Freestyle Drill Team
2nd: Spanish Reading, Tekoa Basic Drill Team
2nd: Grace Hispanic, Amigos of Jesus, Basic Drill Team
Potomac Conference
1st: Community Praise Church Panthers, Basic Drill Team
1st: Community Praise Church Panthers, Drum Corps
1st: Hyattsville Spanish, Basic Drill Team
1st: Woodbridge Spanish Redwoods, Basic Drill Team
1st: Woodbridge Spanish Redwoods, Advanced Drill Team
2nd: Restoration Praise Center, Basic Drill Team
3rd: Metro Area, Drum Corps
Union Drill Down
Junior Girls (10–12)
1st: Paula Lewis, Community Praise Church Panthers, Potomac Conference
2nd: Izabelle Graf, Seabrook, Potomac
3rd: Kiara, Valley View Trailblazers, Pennsylvania Conference
Junior Boys (10–12)
1st: Jean Carlos, Woodbridge Spanish, Potomac
2nd: Kai Snaith, Community Praise Church Panthers, Potomac
3rd: Chase, Sentinels, Allegheny East Conference
Teen Girls (13–15)
1st: Jarely Vela, Woodbridge Spanish Redwoods, Potomac
2nd: Anna Lewis, Community Praise Church Panthers, Potomac
3rd: Loreighne, Oxen Warriors, Allegheny East
Teen Boys (13–15)
1st: Daniel Molina, Woodbridge Spanish Redwoods, Potomac
2nd: Kevin Ortega, Woodbridge Spanish Redwoods, Potomac
3rd: Isaiah Graf, Seabrook Seahawks, Potomac
Teen Leadership Training
1st: Rebekah Pittman, Beltsville Broncos, Potomac
2nd: Alec O’Ffil, Beltsville Broncos, Potomac
3rd: Kenneth Guruswamy, Beltsville Broncos, Potomac
Master Guide
1st: Tigor Lettsome, Beltsville Broncos, Potomac
2nd: Kelly Doherty, Sligo Challengers, Potomac
3rd: Wendy Prado, Woodbridge Spanish Redwoods, Potomac
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