Ministry Does Not Stop
Editorial by Oswaldo Magaña
As we look back at March 2020, our hearts rejoice for how God has continued to bless ministry throughout the Ohio Conference territory.
It was clear that we did not know what the COVID-19 pandemic meant for our future, but we knew it could be devastating for our members, churches and conference. We are convinced today that it was God who took control of our steps and the lives of our department heads as we began responding to the challenging times under our rallying cry: “Though our churches may close, #MinistryDoesNotStop.”
When the pandemic hit, our team jumped into action immediately, supporting and encouraging a transition to local digital ministries. Treasury provided each pastor a Zoom account so they could keep close contact with their members, livestream interactive services and continue nourishing their congregations. Our Media Department began weekly Zoom meetings with pastors, providing tech support, training sessions and facilitating idea sharing across districts. We also worked strategically with our pastors to involve all our constituents in the use of online giving—seeing a majority of members using the service within a few weeks.
Today, our praises ascend to God for the outstanding work, dedication and extra hours each one of our pastors and local church leaders gave in care of God’s church. With the Lord’s guidance, the outstanding work of each leader and the steadfastness of all our members, we ended the year with 383 souls brought to the feet of Jesus, and we are blessed to reinvest a 7.76 percent tithe increase back into future ministry.
May God continue to challenge us because ministry does not stop!
Oswaldo Magaña is the executive secretary for the Ohio Conference.
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