March 24, 2021: Where My Help Comes From
“My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth” (Ps. 121:2, NKJV).
This Bible text has become my “go-to” spiritual promise. So often I find myself in situations where my soul cries out for help. Whether I am hiking up a strenuous path and falling behind, skiing a challenging slope or facing a technological challenge, my Lord is there. God’s powerful spirit brings this verse to my mind at times when I am tempted to say an unkind word, express frustration or behave impulsively to defend myself. I lift my eyes to the Lord, and I’m reminded that my help doesn’t come from within, but from my Maker—the Creator of the entire universe.
A friend of mine recently expressed her discouragement because she didn’t have the funds to continue supporting our local church since her husband lost his job due to COVID-19. Later that day, I texted her an encouraging message to keep looking up because help comes from the Lord who made the heavens, the earth and everything in them. God financially responded soon after, and the couple faithfully resumed giving back to the church.
My faith is strengthened each time I experience my Lord fulfilling His promises to me and others.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for always being right here, right now, ready and willing to help Your children! I give You the honor and glory. Amen.
Celinda Bauer is a member of the Middletown Valley church in Maryland.
Check out the other resources from our Year of the Bible Journey: