August 2, 2021: His Plan and Purpose
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight” (Prov. 3:5–6, NIV).
When my daughter was 3-years-old, she offered to help me “mow the lawn.” In other words, it was a hint to ride on my shoulders. As I mowed, I was in deep turmoil about the seemingly insurmountable challenges and obstacles that life had sent my way. I was so buried in my angst that it took me nearly an hour to actually hear and truly listen to the words my daughter had been singing over and over in her little angelic voice.
“Trust and obey, for there’s no other way. To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.”
When her voice finally caught my attention, I heard it in my heart and soul. I realized that I had been trying to understand and solve all of my problems on my own. And if I continued down that path, I would keep failing and feeling overwhelmed.
That song is based on Proverbs 3, and those verses instruct us to recognize our own limited ability to understand, because God is in control. We will not be disappointed if we trust Him and believe that His understanding is greater than ours. It may take time to understand His ways, and, in many cases, look back to see that His plan and purpose for us were there all along.
Lord, help me to trust You completely and to have faith that You always have a plan for me. Amen.
Scott Bennie is the dean of Health Professions, Graduate Studies and Institutional Effectiveness at Kettering College in Ohio.