A teacher his entire career, professor Daniel Schoun has taught chemistry, physics and math at Kettering College. Early on in his career, he learned to trust God and to obediently go wherever God led him.
When the Mountain View Conference introduced their new initiative, “Let’s Grow Together," they provided their pastors with a yearly blueprint, full of program ideas of how to accomplish it.
Trevor Kinlock was recently selected to serve as the new president of the Allegheny East Conference.We recently sat down with him to get to know him better.
This year, Laurel Lake Camp will celebrate its 70th birthday Oct. 5 at 9:30 a.m. with a Pathfinder parade, followed by a worship service featuring President Gary Gibbs.
The New Jersey Conference 2024 Camp Meeting was a remarkable event, held over two weekends: June 13–15 for English speakers and June 20–22 for Spanish speakers.