What Were the Top 10 Columbia Union Web Stories in 2018?
Story by V. Michelle Bernard/ Image by NAD Communication
2018 proved to be an interesting year in Seventh-day Adventist Church news, with a strong interest in the General Conference Administrative Committee’s proposed new system of compliance and uniformity in the world church.
This year, when news happened, the Columbia Union Visitor provided the local angle. See which stories our readers visited the most in 2018.
1. An Appeal From the Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee
The General Conference Administrative Committee’s proposed new system of committees to assure compliance and uniformity within the global church will not result in the unity it seeks.
2. Fun Facts About the Psalms (Published in 2016)
David wrote at least 75 psalms. Seventy-three bear his name. Acts 4:25 confirms he wrote Psalm 2 and Hebrews 4:7 confirms he wrote Psalm 95.
3. A Message From the Executive Officers of the Columbia Union Conference
We know many in our union are disappointed in the vote at Annual Council to implement a new system of compliance over church entities around the world.
4. Henry Wright Retires After 53 Years in Ministry
After 53 years of ministerial service, Pastor Henry Wright recently preached his final sermon before entering into retirement to a standing room only crowd at the historic Takoma Park (Md.) church.
5. January 2018 Feature: Choosing Hope
Elliot Smith remembers his academy teacher pulling him aside after class one day. The teacher noticed he wasn’t enjoying singing anymore—something he loved doing since elementary school.
6. Indonesian Adventist Members in New Jersey Detained, Deported Over Immigration Status
Members of two Indonesian Seventh-day Adventist churches in northern New Jersey are experiencing the effects of ramped up U.S. immigration reform firsthand. Dozens have been deported, voluntarily returned to their homeland or are “hiding” in the U.S.
7. Passing It On: A Look Into the Ministry of the Columbia Union’s Longest Serving Pastor—And Where Henry Wright Goes From Here (Published in 2014)
The packed church waits in anticipation, sensing what is coming. The tall, stately man sits on one of the steps leading up to the pulpit. “I’ve pastored this church for 20 years and six months,” he says in a rich, baritone voice. “June will mark my 50th year in the ministry.”
8. April 2018 Feature: The Uninvited Guest
Afraid the young man would endup in trouble, the pastor of the church called Lois and Leroy while they were on a business trip in Russia. They cut their trip short so they could retrieve the younger Leroy from Montana.They later learned he had stopped taking his medicine.
9. A Message to the North American Division Women Clergy
This is a very challenging time for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America. Actions taken at the 2018 General Conference Annual Council meeting in Battle Creek, Michigan, did not have the outcome for the church that we had strived toward. Many of us are dealing with fear, disappointment, and even anger.
10. Document Voted at Annual Council Outlines Process for Dealing With Non-compliant Entities
On Oct. 14, 2018, after more than five hours of presentations and discussion, the General Conference Executive Committee, at its Annual Council meeting, approved a recommendation from the church’s Unity Oversight Committee: the creation of a new compliance process to assist with the need to implement church policies and voted actions.
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