Kettering Church Welcomes Pastor for Family, Women
It is my desire to be part of a team that seeks God’s guidance in training and equipping our local church to make an impact in its local community,” shares M. Alexandria Harter, the new Family and Women’s ministries pastor at the Kettering church.
Story by Heidi Shoemaker, Ohio Conference
Born in Argentina, Harter attended Columbia Union schools before finishing her bachelor’s in theology and business at Southern Adventist University (Tenn.). She has taught at Atlanta Adventist Academy (Ga.), Forest Lake Academy (Fla.) and Loma Linda Academy (Calif.). She began her pastoral ministry at the Azure Hills church (Calif.), where she served for six years as an associate pastor before transitioning to the Collegedale Community church (Tenn.). There she served as children’s and youth pastor for the past four years.
Harter is married to Kris and they have two children, Gisela (9) and Niko (7). She enjoys music, sports and activities involving youth and friends. When asked about her passions and goals for Kettering, she responded, “It is my desire for the children of the Kettering church to find that they are so deeply loved by God, their families and their church. … My dream is to find ways to share Jesus with our children in such a way that they desire to share Jesus with everyone.”
Que ironía, en Argentina como en toda sudamérica no hay pastoras, ni siquiera ancianas ordenadas!
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