Outside Her Comfort Zone
Story by Michele Joseph
Now that the Priska Volpes’ children are grown, she participates in pastoral visits with her husband, James, at the Valley View and Beckley Seventh-day Adventist churches in West Virginia. They team up for health lectures, where she offers cooking demonstrations. She also has her own ministry. While reading Desire of Ages as part of her worship routine, she was struck with the idea to give out one Steps to Christ per day. The idea frightened Volpe, who is a shy woman and doesn’t like crowds. But she’s learned a lesson about God asking for what seems like hard requests.
“I have noticed when I do accept things, it is personal growth,” she said. “When I do something that is outside your comfort zone and stretch yourself, it helps you grow.”
So, she took her first Steps to Christ to the gym. Volpe prayed for the Holy Spirit to provide an opportunity to share the book and to give her the boldness and courage to talk with someone.
As the locker room grew quiet, only one other woman remained.
“I’m nervous. … I go over there and the words just came out,” Volpe said. “This lady was so excited about it. She gave me a hug.”
Her first encounter bolstered her courage and she has personally shared 468 Steps to Christ, surpassing her goal of one a day for 2018.
“God has something for a pastor’s wife to do,” she said.
Read articles from the November 2018 Visitor:
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