Pathfinders Launch Fundraising Site
Story by Visitor Staff
David Nazaire and Alexandre Inamasu, longtime members of New Jersey Conference’s Hackettstown Pathfinder Club, know how hard it is to fundraise for events such as the upcoming Chosen 2019 International Pathfinder Camporee in OskKosh, Wisc. To help their club and others like them, they recently launched pathfindermall.com, a site that sells Christian and Seventh-day Adventist-themed merchandise, including camporee gear.
“It was very hard to fundraise because the things we would do to fundraise with required upfront costs, [which required] a lot of time. Or even when selling candy, we ended up eating the candy more than selling, and for catalogs, nobody in my club liked going door to door,” says Inamusu.
Nazaire shares that a pastor had the vision to create a fundraising website for clubs, and he told Inamasu and Alex about it. “We knew we could create it, and we knew club fundraising needed an upgrade and a platform for us that prioritized clubs before anything,” he says.
Pathfinder Mall gives a commission to clubs who sell via the site, and has committed 10 percent of all profits to Kids Kindness, a non-profit organization dedicated to funding orphanages and schools overseas, and to New Jersey Conference’s “My City My Passion,” a hybrid mission trip and summer camp program focused on local community service.
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