Young Adults Impact Community Members in Pennsylvania
Story by Tamyra Horst
“Just like any other canvassing day, this day was no different, except for one thing,” shares Joosung Kim, a member of the Impact Magabook Ministries team who went door to door earlier this year. “Stairs! These were the most stairs I have climbed in my life in one day. ... So, you had to make the most of every single person you spoke to. At one door, I noticed a key that was still in the keyhole.”
When the gentleman who lived in the house saw Kim through the window, he motioned for him to leave. Before Kim left, he told the man about the key in his door. “The funny thing is, he had to open the door to get it—and I didn’t let this God-given opportunity slip by! I shared the books with him, and in the end, he chose three. Once again, I was reminded that God provides for His dear children!”
Pennsylvania Conference’s Impact Magabook Ministries offers young adults the opportunity to raise funds for their school tuition while simultaneously impacting the lives of people by sharing the gospel through books and literature, praying with them and offering Bible studies. This year’s team knocked on more than 30,000 doors, placing more than 6,800 books into homes.
“Literature evangelism puts young people in a position to test and grow their faith. ... You see [God’s provision] every day as students receive donations for their Adventist education and people are being saved through the written Word,” says Johnathan Ryan, Publishing Ministries coordinator for the conference.
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