Celebrating a Culture of Evangelism
Editorial by Bob Cundiff
Did you know that the church manual says evangelism should always be on the church board agenda—and that it should always be first? If we’re regularly talking about evangelism at the church board level, how much more should we be visioning and celebrating it at the conference executive committee level? During Ohio Conference’s second quarter executive committee meeting, without realizing it, leaders report that almost everything on their agenda had something to do with evangelism!
It is a privilege to share this report on what God is doing across our territory as we round the halfway point of 2022. Use your smartphone camera to scan the QR code (above) and watch a short video recap on ministry in Ohio.
We’re seeing baptisms continue, as local churches rally around our conference-wide initiative to see 2,023 baptisms from 2021 until our next constituency session in 2023. We are 56 percent of the way toward our goal and excited to watch God continue to bless! What if we don’t hit our goal? Well, then praise the Lord for the baptisms we have had to date!
To support this bold vision, we’re excited to announce a spring 2023 evangelistic campaign in the Columbus, Ohio, metropolitan area. David Klinedinst, speaker of the Forecasting Hope Bible prophecy series, will preach at this multi-night event. Please pray that, even now, God begins to work in the hearts of people across the Columbus metro area.
We do not want to be about inwardfocusing ministries with a fortress mentality. That is not our mission! Our mission is to go out to seek and save the lost. This church is not a hotel, keeping us safe until Jesus comes; it is a hospital for those in need of God’s love! May this ever be the culture of our calling here in Ohio.
Bob Cundiff serves as the president of the Ohio Conference.
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