March 3, 2021: Angel at the Falls
“Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” (Heb. 1:14, NIV).
In the days when I was young and bold, or as my mother would objectively say, “careless,” I ventured out from my hotel room at 2:00 a.m. I thought to myself, Niagara Falls is a completely safe place. Especially in July! So, why not? Needless to say, I went on a solo adventure, uninhibited of any possible danger.
Ninety minutes into my city voyage, I realized I may be lost. I reached for the hotel map I had in my pocket, and it was gone! Trying not to panic, I mentally retraced my steps and headed back cautiously. Maybe, in my rush to leave my room, I had left the map on the tabletop.
As I was orienting myself, my thoughts went back to my mother. I remembered her expressing, “We are going to Niagara Falls to have a mother and son time together.” She wanted us to have a closer relationship. Shame unexpectedly swept over me. While my mother was sleeping, I was selfishly doing “my own thing.” I stopped and asked God for forgiveness.
It was now 4:30 a.m. when I heard a gang of boys from the distance quickly approaching my location. Suddenly, a car appeared in front of me. An elderly lady rolled down her window and said, “Sonny, are you lost?!” Embarrassed, I just smiled. She then gave me the exact directions to get back to the hotel. I thanked her and headed that way. When I glanced back, the car had vanished. It was then that I realized I had met my angel at the Falls.
Lord, when we go astray, bring us back home. Amen.
Carl Rodriguez is the youth director for the Chesapeake Conference.
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